Qualification of external suppliers

Describe the methodology to be used for the purpose of qualifying and evaluating INFINEXY's external suppliers.

It applies to all external suppliers whose activity may directly interfere with compliance with legal requirements and requirements agreed with the Customer.

3.1. Qualification methodology

The qualification of external suppliers takes place in two different moments:

• Initial assessment – initial screening for selection of potential suppliers;
• Periodic evaluation - annual monitoring carried out to suppliers
approved in order to monitor their performance.
Regardless of when it takes place, the result of the assessment is recorded in a specific document – “Supplier Assessment Record” (R AP.003). After completion, this same document will distinguish suppliers by class and will be used as a List of Approved Suppliers for the period considered.

3.1.1. Initial Assessment

Whenever the need arises to search for a new supplier for a given product/service, prior qualification of its capacity to comply with the minimum requirements established by INFINEXY for its suppliers, as well as the applicable legal and regulatory requirements, should arise.

In the case of a new product/service, market research is carried out and suppliers are consulted, taking into account the five evaluation criteria, which are presented in the following table:

After selecting the potential supplier, the “Supplier Form” (R AP.003) is filled in, which is approved by the commercial department and the Finance Department.

3.1.2. Continuous evaluation

When the materials are received in the warehouse, a quantitative and qualitative evaluation is carried out and a general verification of the state of the materials according to the Transport Guide and/or Invoice with each delivery. This assessment is evidenced by means of a stamp, where the compliance of the parameters is recorded.

Whenever a non-compliance is detected at reception, the warehouse manager informs INFINEXY's Procurement and Logistics department. The non-compliance is registered in the document “Control of Complaints to Suppliers” (R AP.002). The causes are analysed, the non-compliance is dealt with and decisions are made based on the supplier's justification.

3.1.3. Periodic Evaluation

At the end of each year, it is the responsibility of the Procurement and Logistics department to periodically assess relevant suppliers.
With a view to monitoring their performance, suppliers relevant to the Organization are submitted to evaluation, such as Electronic Equipment, Logistics, Technical Support for the ERP, Insurance Companies, Server Management and Provision of Technical Services.

Of all the evaluation criteria considered, the only quantifiable one is the one designated by “Noncompliance with Specifications”. We define specifications as technical documentation, delivery times, packaging condition and quantity of units, among other components.

This criteria is determined on the basis of complaints issued to the supplier for non-compliance with agreed requirements (delivery period included), relating this value to the annual total of supplies.

After determining this index, the respective result in percentage is converted into the points to be considered for the purpose of calculating the supplier's score, according to the intervals specified in the table above.

With the exception of this last criterion, the others are discussed and scored by a working group 1. The final evaluation score is obtained using the following calculation formula:

The maximum score that a supplier can obtain as a result of the periodic evaluation is 20 points, later converted into a percentage in order to obtain the supplier's classification.

For the purpose of classifying external suppliers, four distinct classes are considered, defined by a perfectly defined range of results, as specified in the following table:

* If, as a result of this periodic evaluation process, a supplier obtains a score of less than 70% and falls into class D, INFINEXY Management is responsible for deciding on its continuity as a supplier, indicating the reason in the Remarks column of the document “Register Supplier Assessment” (R AP.003).

Todos os fornecedores externos da INFINEXY em avaliação são informados relativamente à metodologia utilizada para efeito de qualificação, nomeadamente no que respeita aos critérios de avaliação e respetivas pontuações. Serão comunicados os resultados apenas aos fornecedores classificados como categoria D.

Toda e qualquer comunicação motivada pela aplicação desta metodologia será efetuada preferencialmente por e-mail a fim de assegurar as devidas evidências.

An excluded external supplier can be readmitted whenever it proposes actions that show an improvement in supply capacity, in accordance with the required requirements.

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